The previous and today's articles have been carefully crafted to be both practical and straightforward. To guide you on how to take action and gain total clarity on your LIFE VISION and enhance your understanding of your potential purpose.
Let me tell you that an ideal way to set out on the path to your purpose -especially if you still have doubts about it- is to do this important task of introspection and awareness-raising in which you have created your life vision.
Engaging in this process and moving in the direction of your vision ensures that, eventually, you will understand what your purpose is, because you are already aligning your life with your deepest desires, increasing your vibrational energy and attracting to your life what you need to follow your purpose here on Earth.
In our previous article, we journeyed through the 3 essential steps to formulate your life vision. The guide provided a thorough walkthrough for crafting your LIFE VISION.
I trust you found the process enriching and have since articulated your LIFE VISION!
Today, we transition to the subsequent phase that naturally follows the completion of your LIFE VISION—identifying and undertaking the concrete steps, or ACTIONS, required to advance towards the future you've envisioned for yourself.
Let’s start!
Really quick: there are actually 3 ways to enjoy this article:
1. Watch this YouTube video:
2. Listen to this episode of the You Are All You Need podcast (available on any podcast streaming service)
3. Continue reading this article :)
The final step to propel your life vision into action and to track the progress you're making involves setting specific goals for each area of your life.
As discussed in the article 3 Steps to Create Your Life Vision, when there's complete harmony between your life goals and your daily habits, it creates a dynamic momentum towards your desired direction.
This synergy occurs because you're emitting perfectly aligned energetic signals to the universe through both your thoughts and actions, leading to opportunities—or seemingly serendipitous coincidences—that further guide you along this chosen path.
So let’s uncover the 3 main steps that I follow to move towards my life vision, and these are the steps I follow to ultimately organize my day-to-day life, I hope these steps help you as well in this journey:
My first advice here is that when setting goals, it is best not to overcomplicate things. Over the years I found out that simplicity is the key to maintaining goals and habits.
In my experience, when too many goals are set, all it does is generate a jumble of thoughts in the mind that infinitely complicates everything. Ideally, you should be able to set many goals that you can remember mentally, without too much difficulty.
There’s a quote about this from the author and business consultant Jim Collins that says: “If you have more than three priorities, you don't have any”.
And that's entirely true, I can say from personal experience, that when you spread yourself too thin you end up losing focus and clarity on what’s important.
My advice is, following the three priorities quote, to set no more than 3 annual goals that you would like to achieve to move you toward your life vision.
And YES, you do have 7 categories reflected in your life vision, right?
So It would make sense to have 7 goals, right?
And you can totally do that… but again if you can just choose to commit to 3 goals that are going to move you to your desired outcome in 3 specific categories, that is more than enough.
Because you’ll end up making huge progress in those areas and after achieving your desired results, you can then focus on the other 3 and so on…
So instead of taking massive huge action in all seven categories all at once, you’re progressively making immense progress in 3 areas at a time.
I’ve applied both approaches and I can say that this approach of simplifying and having only 3 goals at a time, is really powerful.
So once you have decided on your 3 annual goals, what comes right after is to do the same for your quarter, establishing the 3 focuses you’ll have for the next 90 days. At the end of each quarter, you renew these goals and do the same with the annual goals each year.
When renewing your goals, it is always important to do this process with your life vision in front of you to avoid setting goals that are the result of external urgencies that may have arisen and to ensure that you continue in the direction you have set for yourself in your life vision.
The key question that always helps me a lot in this task is:
What goals should I set for myself this quarter/this year to move most quickly and effectively toward my life vision?
Normally, after setting quarterly goals, the next step is to do the same for the month.
In my case, however, I have come to realize that by skipping the month's goals and looking directly at the quarterly goals, I find it much clearer and it gives me a more global -a broader- view of where I am heading when planning the actions I am going to take each week.
The last two steps to bringing your life vision into your day-to-day life are to always plan what your week and days are going to be like. Putting intention into every single day.
For weekly planning, it can be done at the end of the previous week, on Friday afternoon, Sunday, or Monday morning, whichever feels most natural to you.
When preparing what your week is going to be like, you are not going to define tasks to complete but rather commitments that you want to make that week.
The main difference between the two is that to-do lists, in general, tend to be simply obligations or urgencies to be solved, without a very clear purpose as to how they serve to move your life toward your vision.
However, when organizing yourself based on commitments, you are planning from a more global vision aligned with your goals in every area of your life.
For example, in the planning for the week, you could put “ensure that the editing team has all the resources to be able to finish the promotional video” as a commitment. But you would not put specific tasks like "give access to Vimeo", "design what the B-roll should be like", "meeting with editors", "review and give notes on the video", and so on.
In planning your weekly commitments, you can decide on 3 main commitments that relate to each of your quarterly goals, thus ensuring that you are moving toward those goals through those commitments.
Even so, there may be weeks when you need to have several commitments focused on the same goal or weeks when perhaps there are goals where you have not been able to move forward with the commitments you have set for yourself, and so on, but this is also a natural thing and you have to understand that it can fluctuate.
Ultimately, you must be the one to decide how you want to approach your week. As long as you are actively and consciously making decisions, it means that you are still in control of your days and that in one way or another, you are still moving towards your vision.
When it comes to daily planning, I like to do it at the end of the day before, because this way when I wake up every morning, I have total clarity and intention knowing what my main goals are for the day.
Just like the week, the day's planning should not simply be a list of tasks to accomplish, but should rather have a structured rhythm based on two or three main goals for that day, and from there establish what the main tasks are to be done to meet those goals.
Try to set no more than 6 daily tasks with three of these always being the most relevant and essential tasks to accomplish to ensure that the day's goals have been met -in full or at least partially.
There is a reason to consciously limit the number of daily tasks; it acts as a mechanism to ensure your daily success.
When we fall into the habit of making very long to-do lists, they usually do not end up being completed.
As a consequence generates a feeling of pressure and frustration -with a direct negative on your energetic state- because you have not been able to check off each task, which does not help at all to keep moving forward towards your purpose.
This is what we must avoid at all costs, so it is better to create days with spaces where there is room for error and which are realistic than to create huge lists of tasks that we cannot accomplish continuously.
At this point, stop for a second and congratulate yourself because you have all the tools you need to perfectly align your habits with your life vision.
You should feel very happy and special at this very moment because the vast majority of people do not dedicate the time and effort to do this in-depth exercise of active awareness about their lives.
Only a few dare to take this step and walk the path toward their purpose, with all the fears, challenges, and personal growth that this entails. Congratulations, because you are one of the few to decide to take this big step to live in total harmony with their inner truth.
The HABITS you establish now will be more aligned than ever with the direction in which you want to take your life and your personal growth.
Indeed, you can also have habits that boost your days and your energy without having consciously created your life vision, simply by following what makes you feel good and energized.
However, as we have discussed previously in Do This To Align Your Habits with Your Life Goals, the moment you align your life vision with your goals, actions, and daily habits, you are sending high vibrational energy signals to the universe that are consistent, amplifying and powerfully attracting what you need into your life to follow the path.
Before deciding which new habits you want to adopt into your daily life, I recommend you revisit your life vision and your annual goals.
Then, write down what habits you believe will help you move toward your annual goals. Ideally, you should establish three key habits that are going to push you toward your 3 annual goals.
In general, just as with goals, over the years I have concluded that the simpler the habits you are going to establish in your life, the more likely they are to last over time and become an inseparable part of you.
Some of my habits are, for example, jogging 10 minutes every morning, meditating for 10 minutes a day, practicing yoga-fitness every morning for 30-40 minutes, dedicating 1 hour a day to creative tasks, reconnecting as a couple every Thursday from 12-4 pm, not following the news, having a weekly 2-hour team meeting to manage all the urgencies in this time, and so on. But I’ve been introducing them progressively over the years.
So when starting new habits, it is important to keep in mind that starting all at once can be overwhelming, so my advice is to progressively introduce the 3 new habits you choose.
Once you have all the habits in place, it is important to keep in mind that it may be difficult at times to comply with all of them.
When this happens, you can always try to achieve a minimum of ONE of those habits, and with that, you will be walking -albeit at a slightly slower pace- towards your life vision.
The magic to make this work is that each habit you establish elevates all other areas of your life -to a certain extent- without you even realizing it.
Simplicity and balance between your goals and habits will ensure your path of constant evolution towards your ideal life.
Ready To Upgrade?
➡️ If you enjoyed this article, you’ll find a much deeper analysis on how to start living a life full of passion and purpose in my book You Are Already Everything You Need
➡️ Click here to download the first four episodes of my book for free
➡️ Join the 20-Day Challenge in my podcast You Are All You Need and start walking together this journey of self-transformation
Mom, entrepreneur, author
I left my job as a teacher in 2015 to start an online education company with my husband that nowadays has over 8,000 students with a turnover of seven figures. I want to share with you how to achieve your best self.
The previous and today's articles have been carefully crafted to be both practical and straightforward. To guide you on how to take action and gain total clarity on your LIFE VISION and enhance your understanding of your potential purpose.
Let me tell you that an ideal way to set out on the path to your purpose -especially if you still have doubts about it- is to do this important task of introspection and awareness-raising in which you have created your life vision.
Engaging in this process and moving in the direction of your vision ensures that, eventually, you will understand what your purpose is, because you are already aligning your life with your deepest desires, increasing your vibrational energy and attracting to your life what you need to follow your purpose here on Earth.
In our previous article, we journeyed through the 3 essential steps to formulate your life vision. The guide provided a thorough walkthrough for crafting your LIFE VISION.
I trust you found the process enriching and have since articulated your LIFE VISION!
Today, we transition to the subsequent phase that naturally follows the completion of your LIFE VISION—identifying and undertaking the concrete steps, or ACTIONS, required to advance towards the future you've envisioned for yourself.
Let’s start!
Really quick: there are actually 3 ways to enjoy this article:
1. Watch this YouTube video:
2. Listen to this episode of the You Are All You Need podcast (available on any podcast streaming service)
3. Continue reading this article :)
The final step to propel your life vision into action and to track the progress you're making involves setting specific goals for each area of your life.
As discussed in the article 3 Steps to Create Your Life Vision, when there's complete harmony between your life goals and your daily habits, it creates a dynamic momentum towards your desired direction.
This synergy occurs because you're emitting perfectly aligned energetic signals to the universe through both your thoughts and actions, leading to opportunities—or seemingly serendipitous coincidences—that further guide you along this chosen path.
So let’s uncover the 3 main steps that I follow to move towards my life vision, and these are the steps I follow to ultimately organize my day-to-day life, I hope these steps help you as well in this journey:
My first advice here is that when setting goals, it is best not to overcomplicate things. Over the years I found out that simplicity is the key to maintaining goals and habits.
In my experience, when too many goals are set, all it does is generate a jumble of thoughts in the mind that infinitely complicates everything. Ideally, you should be able to set many goals that you can remember mentally, without too much difficulty.
There’s a quote about this from the author and business consultant Jim Collins that says: “If you have more than three priorities, you don't have any”.
And that's entirely true, I can say from personal experience, that when you spread yourself too thin you end up losing focus and clarity on what’s important.
My advice is, following the three priorities quote, to set no more than 3 annual goals that you would like to achieve to move you toward your life vision.
And YES, you do have 7 categories reflected in your life vision, right?
So It would make sense to have 7 goals, right?
And you can totally do that… but again if you can just choose to commit to 3 goals that are going to move you to your desired outcome in 3 specific categories, that is more than enough.
Because you’ll end up making huge progress in those areas and after achieving your desired results, you can then focus on the other 3 and so on…
So instead of taking massive huge action in all seven categories all at once, you’re progressively making immense progress in 3 areas at a time.
I’ve applied both approaches and I can say that this approach of simplifying and having only 3 goals at a time, is really powerful.
So once you have decided on your 3 annual goals, what comes right after is to do the same for your quarter, establishing the 3 focuses you’ll have for the next 90 days. At the end of each quarter, you renew these goals and do the same with the annual goals each year.
When renewing your goals, it is always important to do this process with your life vision in front of you to avoid setting goals that are the result of external urgencies that may have arisen and to ensure that you continue in the direction you have set for yourself in your life vision.
The key question that always helps me a lot in this task is:
What goals should I set for myself this quarter/this year to move most quickly and effectively toward my life vision?
Normally, after setting quarterly goals, the next step is to do the same for the month.
In my case, however, I have come to realize that by skipping the month's goals and looking directly at the quarterly goals, I find it much clearer and it gives me a more global -a broader- view of where I am heading when planning the actions I am going to take each week.
The last two steps to bringing your life vision into your day-to-day life are to always plan what your week and days are going to be like. Putting intention into every single day.
For weekly planning, it can be done at the end of the previous week, on Friday afternoon, Sunday, or Monday morning, whichever feels most natural to you.
When preparing what your week is going to be like, you are not going to define tasks to complete but rather commitments that you want to make that week.
The main difference between the two is that to-do lists, in general, tend to be simply obligations or urgencies to be solved, without a very clear purpose as to how they serve to move your life toward your vision.
However, when organizing yourself based on commitments, you are planning from a more global vision aligned with your goals in every area of your life.
For example, in the planning for the week, you could put “ensure that the editing team has all the resources to be able to finish the promotional video” as a commitment. But you would not put specific tasks like "give access to Vimeo", "design what the B-roll should be like", "meeting with editors", "review and give notes on the video", and so on.
In planning your weekly commitments, you can decide on 3 main commitments that relate to each of your quarterly goals, thus ensuring that you are moving toward those goals through those commitments.
Even so, there may be weeks when you need to have several commitments focused on the same goal or weeks when perhaps there are goals where you have not been able to move forward with the commitments you have set for yourself, and so on, but this is also a natural thing and you have to understand that it can fluctuate.
Ultimately, you must be the one to decide how you want to approach your week. As long as you are actively and consciously making decisions, it means that you are still in control of your days and that in one way or another, you are still moving towards your vision.
When it comes to daily planning, I like to do it at the end of the day before, because this way when I wake up every morning, I have total clarity and intention knowing what my main goals are for the day.
Just like the week, the day's planning should not simply be a list of tasks to accomplish, but should rather have a structured rhythm based on two or three main goals for that day, and from there establish what the main tasks are to be done to meet those goals.
Try to set no more than 6 daily tasks with three of these always being the most relevant and essential tasks to accomplish to ensure that the day's goals have been met -in full or at least partially.
There is a reason to consciously limit the number of daily tasks; it acts as a mechanism to ensure your daily success.
When we fall into the habit of making very long to-do lists, they usually do not end up being completed.
As a consequence generates a feeling of pressure and frustration -with a direct negative on your energetic state- because you have not been able to check off each task, which does not help at all to keep moving forward towards your purpose.
This is what we must avoid at all costs, so it is better to create days with spaces where there is room for error and which are realistic than to create huge lists of tasks that we cannot accomplish continuously.
At this point, stop for a second and congratulate yourself because you have all the tools you need to perfectly align your habits with your life vision.
You should feel very happy and special at this very moment because the vast majority of people do not dedicate the time and effort to do this in-depth exercise of active awareness about their lives.
Only a few dare to take this step and walk the path toward their purpose, with all the fears, challenges, and personal growth that this entails. Congratulations, because you are one of the few to decide to take this big step to live in total harmony with their inner truth.
The HABITS you establish now will be more aligned than ever with the direction in which you want to take your life and your personal growth.
Indeed, you can also have habits that boost your days and your energy without having consciously created your life vision, simply by following what makes you feel good and energized.
However, as we have discussed previously in Do This To Align Your Habits with Your Life Goals, the moment you align your life vision with your goals, actions, and daily habits, you are sending high vibrational energy signals to the universe that are consistent, amplifying and powerfully attracting what you need into your life to follow the path.
Before deciding which new habits you want to adopt into your daily life, I recommend you revisit your life vision and your annual goals.
Then, write down what habits you believe will help you move toward your annual goals. Ideally, you should establish three key habits that are going to push you toward your 3 annual goals.
In general, just as with goals, over the years I have concluded that the simpler the habits you are going to establish in your life, the more likely they are to last over time and become an inseparable part of you.
Some of my habits are, for example, jogging 10 minutes every morning, meditating for 10 minutes a day, practicing yoga-fitness every morning for 30-40 minutes, dedicating 1 hour a day to creative tasks, reconnecting as a couple every Thursday from 12-4 pm, not following the news, having a weekly 2-hour team meeting to manage all the urgencies in this time, and so on. But I’ve been introducing them progressively over the years.
So when starting new habits, it is important to keep in mind that starting all at once can be overwhelming, so my advice is to progressively introduce the 3 new habits you choose.
Once you have all the habits in place, it is important to keep in mind that it may be difficult at times to comply with all of them.
When this happens, you can always try to achieve a minimum of ONE of those habits, and with that, you will be walking -albeit at a slightly slower pace- towards your life vision.
The magic to make this work is that each habit you establish elevates all other areas of your life -to a certain extent- without you even realizing it.
Simplicity and balance between your goals and habits will ensure your path of constant evolution towards your ideal life.
Ready To Upgrade?
➡️ If you enjoyed this article, you’ll find a much deeper analysis on how to start living a life full of passion and purpose in my book You Are Already Everything You Need
➡️ Click here to download the first four episodes of my book for free
➡️ Join the 20-Day Challenge in my podcast You Are All You Need and start walking together this journey of self-transformation