Today's article is about creating your life vision. So it is going to be very practical.
My advice is to read through it once and then, read it again in a quiet space. Find a comfortable spot where you can sit with your journal and pen ready to create your LIFE VISION.
Understand that it may take a few hours or perhaps a few days to complete this exercise, and that's entirely normal. You're crafting your vision for the future, outlining what you truly want for yourself and your life.
This process may require your focus and attention for a few days to craft the best life vision possible for your future self.
This is the moment where you are going to create VISION FOR YOUR FUTURE, how you want your future to be.
By creating this life vision, you'll gain total clarity on the direction you want to take your life. It will serve as your OWN COMPASS on your PATH OF SELF TRANSFORMATION and the next steps into UNCOVERING YOUR PURPOSE IN THIS LIFE.
That being said, buckle up and let’s go!
Really quick: there are actually 3 ways to enjoy this article:
1. Watch this YouTube video:
Listen to this episode of the You Are All You Need podcast (available on any podcast streaming service)
3. Continue reading this article :)
The first thing I'd like to mention, something we've touched on in earlier content, is that uncertainty will accompany you at every step of your journey of self-discovery. It will be your number one companion!
Therefore, it's crucial to have mechanisms in place that consciously and constantly reinforce the result you want to achieve in your mind.
Having a clear life vision is essential to walk this path successfully. This clarity will serve as a beacon when doubts arise or when you encounter obstacles.
By visualizing your life as you will create today, along with adopting habits that align with this vision, you can boost your vibrational energy. This approach will help you regain control over the direction you are headed, even when faced with challenges.
Perhaps this is the first time you are going to consciously and specifically ask yourself about your life vision. My first tip in this endeavor is not to aim for the perfect life vision. Remember, your vision is likely to evolve as you journey through life.
It's important to acknowledge that many things beyond your control will happen, potentially leading you to change your path or undergo personal evolution. As a result, your initially crafted life vision may need revisions.
This process is entirely normal. In fact, if you find yourself revising your vision, it's a sign that you are actively engaging with your path. Each revision ensures that your life vision remains in total harmony with your deepest aspirations.
Personally, whenever I mention that I have a written life vision and that I review it every week, some people give me a puzzled look. They question, "But life is unpredictable! Why bother planning so much about where you want to go if something unexpected can happen and disrupt all your plans? Why put in so much effort to try to predict what you want in life?"
The truth is that it is a completely legit argument. This is the main doubt that can arise for all of us, especially when we start on this path of visualizing our ideal life for the first time.
However, the reality is that having a life vision does not mean having a list of tasks that you have to complete to reach your goal, but rather a roadmap that shows you the direction, way, in which you want to take your life.
This is the life you have actively decided you want to have because it makes you feel good about yourself and allows you to live in harmony with your soul.
You must understand your life vision, as we said at the beginning, as the compass that will always guide you in the right direction, even if you find yourself lost in a forest so thick that you cannot see the path for the trees.
Obviously, life will take you to unexpected places and give you experiences that you cannot even imagine now, but that's life!
Embrace each one of those moments without fear and live them in the most constructive way possible, always seeking in them the way to turn them into something that adds knowledge to your life vision, one that can be used to head in the direction you have decided.
That is the great power of control that each one of us has over our own lives, the power of actively deciding where we want to take our life, knowing within ourselves that no matter what happens, we will walk there at a steady pace, even if it means getting it wrong a thousand times and having to take a big detour to get there.
This is perhaps the most crucial aspect of this discussion, and I am super excited to share it with you because this exercise marked a significant turning point in my life. It really helped me clarify who I wanted to become in each area of my life and what my life vision was.
Since I did this exercise for the first time, my life vision has been changing, evolving with me, and serving as a guide during the most complicated moments.
Hopefully, you will decide to undertake this exercise immediately after reading through the steps I am about to share with you.
Today you will choose to take action and embark on this journey of personal growth towards finding your purpose and crafting your life vision. As you are aware, our decisions and actions define our lives.
The choice to engage in this exercise is entirely up to you, and no matter what you decide, you'll be conveying a message to the universe and your subconscious mind. It rests with you to determine the nature of the message you wish to send.
Once you do this active exercise of taking stock of your life and who you want to be and you really feel it deep down inside, you are subconsciously reprogramming your brain. At that moment, you are sending clear signals to your subconscious mind about the direction in which you want to go.
This is how, little by little, if you make this visualization exercise part of your routine, unexpected coincidences begin to appear in your life that will lead you to accomplish this visualization of your life.
This is the great power -and magic- of the law of attraction, a topic we explored in the initial parts of this series, and the best of all is that it is within your grasp, by just closing your eyes and letting your imagination fly.
So let’s dive right now into the 3 steps to create your life vision.
I recommend reading one step at a time, pausing to take action and jotting it down in your journal.
Before starting this exercise, it is important to remember that you are now here alone with your imagination and there are no limits, anything is possible. This is fundamental so that you can use this absolute inner freedom to open doors that you have always left closed.
To begin creating your life vision, sit in a comfortable place in silence or perhaps with soothing music to help you concentrate. With your back straight and supported by a backrest, start by placing your hands with open palms facing downward on top of your thighs.
Take several deep breaths with your eyes closed.
Continue breathing slowly and when you notice that your body is relaxing, continue in that position for a few more minutes.
Thoughts will begin to flood your mind -this is totally normal- just let each thought that comes pass and bring your attention back to your breathing.
After several minutes in that state of relaxation and mental stillness, begin to imagine what your ideal day would be like.
Visualize down to the smallest detail what you do on this day, from the moment you wake up in the morning until you go to sleep.
To help you visualize, you can ask yourself questions like these:
What is my ideal day like? Where do I live? What kind of house do I have? What do I spend most of my time doing? What is my job? How much time do I spend with my partner, my children or my family? What kind of social relationships do I have? What foods do I eat? Do I exercise, meditate, spend time in nature? How do I feel living this perfect day?
and keep going with more questions that may arise…
As you visualize and ask yourself these questions, immerse yourself in that day to the fullest, as if you were there at this very moment. The more powerful and deeper you make this visualization, the more effect it will have on your subconscious mind.
Once you finish, open your eyes while remaining seated in the same position and take several more breaths.
Grab your journal and write down everything you have visualized in detail. Try to be as accurate as possible in your description of your ideal day. It will be your reference point for the next step towards creating your life vision.
In this next step, we’re going to extend that visualization you just did about your IDEAL DAY, to your LIFE.
To do so we’re going to identify 7 key categories (areas) in your life. Although you can create more categories if you go into more detail or even less if you want a much more global vision- these seven categories are the ones that can quite completely summarize all aspects of your life.
These categories are:
Complete this exercise by tackling each category individually, offering detailed written responses to the questions I'm about to pose—or feel free to ask yourself other questions. The ones provided are meant to guide you and foster creativity and visualization—until you have a comprehensive description of your goals within that specific category.
Write your answers in the present tense as if you have already achieved what you want for each area.
The key to this exercise is that you make it as personal and your own as possible.
Ultimately, it's about your life vision, not mine, and as such, it must be uniquely and entirely yours.
Do not feel overwhelmed if you find it complex and time-consuming to clearly establish what you want to achieve in each area of your life.
It is normal to have doubts because it is probably the first time you are doing an exercise like this.
What matters above all else is to gain awareness in each of the areas of your life and that they serve as a guide to where you want to go.
Maybe in a few months what you have written will evolve or change, this is fine, it is part of moving forward and growing along the way.
So, do not get stuck on getting perfect answers, just let what comes to mind flow in each category and they should make you feel really good inside.
Remember, if in a few months what you have written down no longer resonates with you, you can modify it. It’s just your blueprint, your guide and it’s flexible.
So that being said, let’s start.
I'll present the questions to reflect upon in each category, and I recommend pausing after reading the corresponding questions to start taking action by answering them in your journal.
The first category is BODY. Imagine:
How do you feel physically?
What is your body type?
Do you exercise every day?
What is your ideal weight?
What is your level of health?
What is your diet?
You can stop now and start responding to these questions, or even more that come to your mind.
The second category is MIND. Imagine:
What emotions do you feel every day?
What character have you built by practicing your habits on a daily basis?
What kind of person are you now?
You can stop now and start responding to these questions, or even more that come to your mind.
The third category is SPIRITUAL. Imagine:
Where are you spiritually?
Do you feel the connection to something bigger?
Do you live by your intuition?
Do you do daily exercises that help you connect with your inner self such as yoga or meditation, or other activities that align you with your inner self?
Do you have clarity on what your purpose is?
You can stop now and start responding to these questions, or even more that come to your mind.
The fourth category is RELATIONSHIPS. Imagine:
Do you have a partner?
How is your love relationship?
Do you have children?
How is your relationship with them?
How is your family relationship with your parents, siblings, cousins, etc.?
What kind of friends do you have?
What topics do you talk about with your friends?
What experiences have you had with them?
How often do you get together with family and friends?
You can stop now and start responding to these questions, or even more that come to your mind.
The fifth category is FINANCES. Imagine:
What is your financial situation?
Are you financially comfortable?
Are you completely clear about your expenses and income?
What is your relationship with money?
Do you have mechanisms in place to invest and make a profit?
Do you perceive your financial situation to be the result of the value you contribute to society?
You can stop now and start responding to these questions, or even more that come to your mind.
The sixth category is CAREER. Imagine:
What is your career path?
Do you do what you love?
In what way does that profession make you feel fulfilled?
How does your profession help your intellectual development: are you constantly learning, reading, taking courses, etc.?
Does your profession bring you economic abundance or is it an abundance understood in more of personal and relationship terms?
How many hours do you dedicate to your work?
Where do you work: do you commute or do you work at home?
How does your profession affect your character: are you more assertive because you are leading a team, have you developed your ability to empathize because you are with customers you have to help every day, and so on?
You can stop now and start responding to these questions, or even more that come to your mind.
The seventh category is LIFESTYLE. Imagine:
What are the most common experiences in your life: do you travel, walk on the beach every day, exercise every day, are you involved in exciting projects almost all the time, do you spend time with your partner every day, do you do activities every evening to connect with your children, and so on?
What kind of activities do you do every day that make you feel fulfilled and happy?
You can stop now and start responding to these questions,
This last step is when you unify and summarize all the answers in your ideal day as well as in each area of your life and create your life vision.
Your life vision should encompass one to two, perhaps three pages at most, and be articulated in the present tense, as though you are already experiencing that life.
This vision you're crafting represents the life you aspire to lead 2, 3, or 5 years into the future, with the timeframe being your choice.
It will serve as your roadmap, your compass during times of uncertainty, and your link to your inner self when external situations lead you astray.
I recommend that your life vision be a text that is easy and clear for you to read.
Use words and expressions that you know inspire you, and include images that motivate and help you to keep the visualization you have made for each area and your life as a whole in your mind.
The more powerful those images are, the better. You could even make a collage with all those images and the most important phrases that summarize your life vision, print it out and put it in a place where you will see it every day.
In my case, this is my life vision, set until 2025. Marc and I crafted it in August 2020, and I have it here in written form. It's a physical copy that I carry in this notebook and read every week. I've made modifications and even crossed out some things that I noted down some time ago.
And that’s the point. You’ll end up with a life vision that is going to GUIDE YOU and that will also EVOLVE with you as you gain more knowledge about your FUTURE SELF and your IDEAL LIFE when you walk on this path decided by you.
In my case, since 2020 when I first wrote it, I must tell you that I have 3 different versions of my life vision, where I’ve been adding or refining some aspects of it to make it evolve and grow with me.
Also, I'd like to point out that if you're undertaking this exercise with your partner, it's natural for your life visions to share common elements across various categories. However, don't expect your visions to be identical.
Even though you're partners and may participate in many activities together, and even share goals in specific life categories—as is the case with Marc and me, where we do almost everything together and share aspects of our career path by being entrepreneurs—our LIFE VISIONS are distinct.
If you compared Marc's vision with mine, you'd notice significant differences. Yet, they align in certain categories, such as finances and relationships. But again, in general, they are VERY DIFFERENT and can COEXIST harmoniously.
You’re doing right now an immense exercise of deep self-reflection by following these steps and taking action in crafting your LIFE VISION, and that’s the first step to start creating changes in your life that are aligned with who you are within and your purpose in life…
BUT to make this work in the long run….
There is nothing more powerful than continuous repetition to firmly fix new thoughts and beliefs in our minds, so it is ideal to dedicate a few minutes to quietly reading your vision every week or at least every month -making a habit out of it.
Or if you feel it’s going to be easier for you to keep that habit by listening (because you’re more of a listener than a reader), once you have your LIFE VISION written down and illustrated, I also recommend you to record it in your phone and listen to it daily or at least once a week to keep on the top of your mind the direction you want to go in your life.
I listen to it daily when I wake up in the morning: I plug my headphones in and start listening to my life vision, which is around 10 minutes long, while I prepare my morning tea and prepare my kids’ breakfast.
In any case, if you use the power of creating a routine like the one I just mentioned, or you find your perfect routine to remind yourself about your life vision constantly, you will realize that progress is inevitable.
In less than five years, you will have already achieved much of what you are going to write today. It may not unfold in the exact way you visualize it now, but you will achieve it anyway if you keep your focus on progressing towards the vision you have created for yourself.
So that’s all from me today! And remember:
Take your time,
Follow the steps we just covered,
Read this content as many times as you need, now you’re working on yourself and for yourself, take it as a SELF-CARE exercise that if commit to and you do fully and deeply you’ll reconnect with your inner self in a way that will leave you REFRESHED and RENEWED like never before.
Good luck on creating your life vision!
Ready To Upgrade?
➡️ If you enjoyed this article, you’ll find a much deeper analysis on how to start living a life full of passion and purpose in my book You Are Already Everything You Need
➡️ Click here to download the first four episodes of my book for free
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Mom, entrepreneur, author
I left my job as a teacher in 2015 to start an online education company with my husband that nowadays has over 8,000 students with a turnover of seven figures. I want to share with you how to achieve your best self.
Today's article is about creating your life vision. So it is going to be very practical.
My advice is to read through it once and then, read it again in a quiet space. Find a comfortable spot where you can sit with your journal and pen ready to create your LIFE VISION.
Understand that it may take a few hours or perhaps a few days to complete this exercise, and that's entirely normal. You're crafting your vision for the future, outlining what you truly want for yourself and your life.
This process may require your focus and attention for a few days to craft the best life vision possible for your future self.
This is the moment where you are going to create VISION FOR YOUR FUTURE, how you want your future to be.
By creating this life vision, you'll gain total clarity on the direction you want to take your life. It will serve as your OWN COMPASS on your PATH OF SELF TRANSFORMATION and the next steps into UNCOVERING YOUR PURPOSE IN THIS LIFE.
That being said, buckle up and let’s go!
Really quick: there are actually 3 ways to enjoy this article:
1. Watch this YouTube video:
Listen to this episode of the You Are All You Need podcast (available on any podcast streaming service)
3. Continue reading this article :)
The first thing I'd like to mention, something we've touched on in earlier content, is that uncertainty will accompany you at every step of your journey of self-discovery. It will be your number one companion!
Therefore, it's crucial to have mechanisms in place that consciously and constantly reinforce the result you want to achieve in your mind.
Having a clear life vision is essential to walk this path successfully. This clarity will serve as a beacon when doubts arise or when you encounter obstacles.
By visualizing your life as you will create today, along with adopting habits that align with this vision, you can boost your vibrational energy. This approach will help you regain control over the direction you are headed, even when faced with challenges.
Perhaps this is the first time you are going to consciously and specifically ask yourself about your life vision. My first tip in this endeavor is not to aim for the perfect life vision. Remember, your vision is likely to evolve as you journey through life.
It's important to acknowledge that many things beyond your control will happen, potentially leading you to change your path or undergo personal evolution. As a result, your initially crafted life vision may need revisions.
This process is entirely normal. In fact, if you find yourself revising your vision, it's a sign that you are actively engaging with your path. Each revision ensures that your life vision remains in total harmony with your deepest aspirations.
Personally, whenever I mention that I have a written life vision and that I review it every week, some people give me a puzzled look. They question, "But life is unpredictable! Why bother planning so much about where you want to go if something unexpected can happen and disrupt all your plans? Why put in so much effort to try to predict what you want in life?"
The truth is that it is a completely legit argument. This is the main doubt that can arise for all of us, especially when we start on this path of visualizing our ideal life for the first time.
However, the reality is that having a life vision does not mean having a list of tasks that you have to complete to reach your goal, but rather a roadmap that shows you the direction, way, in which you want to take your life.
This is the life you have actively decided you want to have because it makes you feel good about yourself and allows you to live in harmony with your soul.
You must understand your life vision, as we said at the beginning, as the compass that will always guide you in the right direction, even if you find yourself lost in a forest so thick that you cannot see the path for the trees.
Obviously, life will take you to unexpected places and give you experiences that you cannot even imagine now, but that's life!
Embrace each one of those moments without fear and live them in the most constructive way possible, always seeking in them the way to turn them into something that adds knowledge to your life vision, one that can be used to head in the direction you have decided.
That is the great power of control that each one of us has over our own lives, the power of actively deciding where we want to take our life, knowing within ourselves that no matter what happens, we will walk there at a steady pace, even if it means getting it wrong a thousand times and having to take a big detour to get there.
This is perhaps the most crucial aspect of this discussion, and I am super excited to share it with you because this exercise marked a significant turning point in my life. It really helped me clarify who I wanted to become in each area of my life and what my life vision was.
Since I did this exercise for the first time, my life vision has been changing, evolving with me, and serving as a guide during the most complicated moments.
Hopefully, you will decide to undertake this exercise immediately after reading through the steps I am about to share with you.
Today you will choose to take action and embark on this journey of personal growth towards finding your purpose and crafting your life vision. As you are aware, our decisions and actions define our lives.
The choice to engage in this exercise is entirely up to you, and no matter what you decide, you'll be conveying a message to the universe and your subconscious mind. It rests with you to determine the nature of the message you wish to send.
Once you do this active exercise of taking stock of your life and who you want to be and you really feel it deep down inside, you are subconsciously reprogramming your brain. At that moment, you are sending clear signals to your subconscious mind about the direction in which you want to go.
This is how, little by little, if you make this visualization exercise part of your routine, unexpected coincidences begin to appear in your life that will lead you to accomplish this visualization of your life.
This is the great power -and magic- of the law of attraction, a topic we explored in the initial parts of this series, and the best of all is that it is within your grasp, by just closing your eyes and letting your imagination fly.
So let’s dive right now into the 3 steps to create your life vision.
I recommend reading one step at a time, pausing to take action and jotting it down in your journal.
Before starting this exercise, it is important to remember that you are now here alone with your imagination and there are no limits, anything is possible. This is fundamental so that you can use this absolute inner freedom to open doors that you have always left closed.
To begin creating your life vision, sit in a comfortable place in silence or perhaps with soothing music to help you concentrate. With your back straight and supported by a backrest, start by placing your hands with open palms facing downward on top of your thighs.
Take several deep breaths with your eyes closed.
Continue breathing slowly and when you notice that your body is relaxing, continue in that position for a few more minutes.
Thoughts will begin to flood your mind -this is totally normal- just let each thought that comes pass and bring your attention back to your breathing.
After several minutes in that state of relaxation and mental stillness, begin to imagine what your ideal day would be like.
Visualize down to the smallest detail what you do on this day, from the moment you wake up in the morning until you go to sleep.
To help you visualize, you can ask yourself questions like these:
What is my ideal day like? Where do I live? What kind of house do I have? What do I spend most of my time doing? What is my job? How much time do I spend with my partner, my children or my family? What kind of social relationships do I have? What foods do I eat? Do I exercise, meditate, spend time in nature? How do I feel living this perfect day?
and keep going with more questions that may arise…
As you visualize and ask yourself these questions, immerse yourself in that day to the fullest, as if you were there at this very moment. The more powerful and deeper you make this visualization, the more effect it will have on your subconscious mind.
Once you finish, open your eyes while remaining seated in the same position and take several more breaths.
Grab your journal and write down everything you have visualized in detail. Try to be as accurate as possible in your description of your ideal day. It will be your reference point for the next step towards creating your life vision.
In this next step, we’re going to extend that visualization you just did about your IDEAL DAY, to your LIFE.
To do so we’re going to identify 7 key categories (areas) in your life. Although you can create more categories if you go into more detail or even less if you want a much more global vision- these seven categories are the ones that can quite completely summarize all aspects of your life.
These categories are:
Complete this exercise by tackling each category individually, offering detailed written responses to the questions I'm about to pose—or feel free to ask yourself other questions. The ones provided are meant to guide you and foster creativity and visualization—until you have a comprehensive description of your goals within that specific category.
Write your answers in the present tense as if you have already achieved what you want for each area.
The key to this exercise is that you make it as personal and your own as possible.
Ultimately, it's about your life vision, not mine, and as such, it must be uniquely and entirely yours.
Do not feel overwhelmed if you find it complex and time-consuming to clearly establish what you want to achieve in each area of your life.
It is normal to have doubts because it is probably the first time you are doing an exercise like this.
What matters above all else is to gain awareness in each of the areas of your life and that they serve as a guide to where you want to go.
Maybe in a few months what you have written will evolve or change, this is fine, it is part of moving forward and growing along the way.
So, do not get stuck on getting perfect answers, just let what comes to mind flow in each category and they should make you feel really good inside.
Remember, if in a few months what you have written down no longer resonates with you, you can modify it. It’s just your blueprint, your guide and it’s flexible.
So that being said, let’s start.
I'll present the questions to reflect upon in each category, and I recommend pausing after reading the corresponding questions to start taking action by answering them in your journal.
The first category is BODY. Imagine:
How do you feel physically?
What is your body type?
Do you exercise every day?
What is your ideal weight?
What is your level of health?
What is your diet?
You can stop now and start responding to these questions, or even more that come to your mind.
The second category is MIND. Imagine:
What emotions do you feel every day?
What character have you built by practicing your habits on a daily basis?
What kind of person are you now?
You can stop now and start responding to these questions, or even more that come to your mind.
The third category is SPIRITUAL. Imagine:
Where are you spiritually?
Do you feel the connection to something bigger?
Do you live by your intuition?
Do you do daily exercises that help you connect with your inner self such as yoga or meditation, or other activities that align you with your inner self?
Do you have clarity on what your purpose is?
You can stop now and start responding to these questions, or even more that come to your mind.
The fourth category is RELATIONSHIPS. Imagine:
Do you have a partner?
How is your love relationship?
Do you have children?
How is your relationship with them?
How is your family relationship with your parents, siblings, cousins, etc.?
What kind of friends do you have?
What topics do you talk about with your friends?
What experiences have you had with them?
How often do you get together with family and friends?
You can stop now and start responding to these questions, or even more that come to your mind.
The fifth category is FINANCES. Imagine:
What is your financial situation?
Are you financially comfortable?
Are you completely clear about your expenses and income?
What is your relationship with money?
Do you have mechanisms in place to invest and make a profit?
Do you perceive your financial situation to be the result of the value you contribute to society?
You can stop now and start responding to these questions, or even more that come to your mind.
The sixth category is CAREER. Imagine:
What is your career path?
Do you do what you love?
In what way does that profession make you feel fulfilled?
How does your profession help your intellectual development: are you constantly learning, reading, taking courses, etc.?
Does your profession bring you economic abundance or is it an abundance understood in more of personal and relationship terms?
How many hours do you dedicate to your work?
Where do you work: do you commute or do you work at home?
How does your profession affect your character: are you more assertive because you are leading a team, have you developed your ability to empathize because you are with customers you have to help every day, and so on?
You can stop now and start responding to these questions, or even more that come to your mind.
The seventh category is LIFESTYLE. Imagine:
What are the most common experiences in your life: do you travel, walk on the beach every day, exercise every day, are you involved in exciting projects almost all the time, do you spend time with your partner every day, do you do activities every evening to connect with your children, and so on?
What kind of activities do you do every day that make you feel fulfilled and happy?
You can stop now and start responding to these questions,
This last step is when you unify and summarize all the answers in your ideal day as well as in each area of your life and create your life vision.
Your life vision should encompass one to two, perhaps three pages at most, and be articulated in the present tense, as though you are already experiencing that life.
This vision you're crafting represents the life you aspire to lead 2, 3, or 5 years into the future, with the timeframe being your choice.
It will serve as your roadmap, your compass during times of uncertainty, and your link to your inner self when external situations lead you astray.
I recommend that your life vision be a text that is easy and clear for you to read.
Use words and expressions that you know inspire you, and include images that motivate and help you to keep the visualization you have made for each area and your life as a whole in your mind.
The more powerful those images are, the better. You could even make a collage with all those images and the most important phrases that summarize your life vision, print it out and put it in a place where you will see it every day.
In my case, this is my life vision, set until 2025. Marc and I crafted it in August 2020, and I have it here in written form. It's a physical copy that I carry in this notebook and read every week. I've made modifications and even crossed out some things that I noted down some time ago.
And that’s the point. You’ll end up with a life vision that is going to GUIDE YOU and that will also EVOLVE with you as you gain more knowledge about your FUTURE SELF and your IDEAL LIFE when you walk on this path decided by you.
In my case, since 2020 when I first wrote it, I must tell you that I have 3 different versions of my life vision, where I’ve been adding or refining some aspects of it to make it evolve and grow with me.
Also, I'd like to point out that if you're undertaking this exercise with your partner, it's natural for your life visions to share common elements across various categories. However, don't expect your visions to be identical.
Even though you're partners and may participate in many activities together, and even share goals in specific life categories—as is the case with Marc and me, where we do almost everything together and share aspects of our career path by being entrepreneurs—our LIFE VISIONS are distinct.
If you compared Marc's vision with mine, you'd notice significant differences. Yet, they align in certain categories, such as finances and relationships. But again, in general, they are VERY DIFFERENT and can COEXIST harmoniously.
You’re doing right now an immense exercise of deep self-reflection by following these steps and taking action in crafting your LIFE VISION, and that’s the first step to start creating changes in your life that are aligned with who you are within and your purpose in life…
BUT to make this work in the long run….
There is nothing more powerful than continuous repetition to firmly fix new thoughts and beliefs in our minds, so it is ideal to dedicate a few minutes to quietly reading your vision every week or at least every month -making a habit out of it.
Or if you feel it’s going to be easier for you to keep that habit by listening (because you’re more of a listener than a reader), once you have your LIFE VISION written down and illustrated, I also recommend you to record it in your phone and listen to it daily or at least once a week to keep on the top of your mind the direction you want to go in your life.
I listen to it daily when I wake up in the morning: I plug my headphones in and start listening to my life vision, which is around 10 minutes long, while I prepare my morning tea and prepare my kids’ breakfast.
In any case, if you use the power of creating a routine like the one I just mentioned, or you find your perfect routine to remind yourself about your life vision constantly, you will realize that progress is inevitable.
In less than five years, you will have already achieved much of what you are going to write today. It may not unfold in the exact way you visualize it now, but you will achieve it anyway if you keep your focus on progressing towards the vision you have created for yourself.
So that’s all from me today! And remember:
Take your time,
Follow the steps we just covered,
Read this content as many times as you need, now you’re working on yourself and for yourself, take it as a SELF-CARE exercise that if commit to and you do fully and deeply you’ll reconnect with your inner self in a way that will leave you REFRESHED and RENEWED like never before.
Good luck on creating your life vision!
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➡️ If you enjoyed this article, you’ll find a much deeper analysis on how to start living a life full of passion and purpose in my book You Are Already Everything You Need
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